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Limitless Potential Luncheon 2023 Highlights

Tuesday, May 2nd nearly 400 guests came together at Mosaic Venue in Downtown Minneapolis to build connections, celebrate the program’s impact and raise funds that will power this important work statewide. We’re excited to share that through generous contributions of individuals, businesses and organizations, together we raised more than $145,000 to power Girls on the Run Minnesota as we work to:

-expand statewide, from Rochester to Grand Marais and every interested community in between

-keep high-quality, girl-focused programming at the forefront, updating our award-winning curriculum and deepening coach support

-double down on access and inclusion by ensuring generous financial aid, running gear, sports hijabs, and 5K transportation are available to everyone
and more

Read more about our wonderful community partners and panelist highlights for the 2023 Limitless Potential Luncheon in this blog post. 

Kathleen Cannon (Left) and Mary Uran (Right) smiling next to each other in front of GOTR Logo

Transition Announcement

Mary Uran, our co-founder and long-time executive director, is leaving her position later this year. Mary has poured her whole heart into building the organization from the ground up,  bringing GOTR to the Twin Cities in 2011. We’re excited to announce that we have named our current Program Director, Kathleen Cannon, as the new executive director of Girls on the Run Minnesota, effective December 1, 2022.

Girls on the Run participants run outside during program practice smiling

Ocho maneras de respaldar a tu niña activa

Practicar deportes puede hacer maravillas en la confianza, la vida social y la salud de una niña. Como ocurre con todo, algunas niñas serán más hábiles que otras, pero eso no significa que no deban intentarlo. Para bien o para mal, al probar diferentes actividades, las niñas podrán descubrir más sobre sí mismas, qué les hace felices y qué opciones les gustaría elegir en el futuro.

A Girls on the Run participant stretches at program practice to prepare for the day.

Seis maneras fáciles de beber más agua

Beber suficiente agua cada día es una parte fundamental de la salud humana, por lo que el agua es la mejor opción de bebida para todos, incluidas las niñas en edad de crecimiento. Aunque a veces puede ser más tentador recurrir a una bebida azucarada o con cafeína, si optas por el agua, tu cuerpo te lo agradecerá siempre.